shafine da aka bude wa masoyan littatafan hausa wanda aka fi sani da hausa novel wanda ni Muhammad abba gana nake rubutawa dan wayar tare da fadakarwa ga mutane a yanayin da muke ciki.

Monday 9 November 2015

DIVORCE DIARY 1------------20 {labarin sakina}


[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 1Let me share my divorce diaries with you, I am a second born in the family of 4, I met him @ the age of 17 we started dating
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä 2We dated for 3 months and we got married.... and that is the biggest mistake av ever made in my life
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 4They don't allow me to go anywhere and that was my biggest problem, that was why I rushed into marrying Muhd I thought I would have a free life after marriage
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 5Ours was a love marriage, my family went to his house 4 the gyaran daki only to find out that I have only 1 room nd palour
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 6 They came back telling that wai kinga kauyen da mutumin nan yake kuwa anya zaki zama wurin??? And some were saying tab kuma fa daki 1 palour 1 kitchen dinma kamar akurki (cage) nd I told them ba komai zan iya bani nace ina son shi ba?
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 7They were all making fun of me (eh kunji uwar soyayya indai namiji ba ai masa gwanin ta)
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä 83 days to our marriage I found out that apart from his wife he has divorce another lady 4rm zamfara which I was shocked "seriously I was shocked " I took my phone nd call his number
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä 9The phone rang 2 to 3 time he then picked, and I was like "ashe bayan matar ka Dana sani ka taba auren wata kuma har ka sake ta ban sani ba?
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä 10 He was telling me that eh "gaskiya ne dama ina so kiji da kanki ne kafin na gaya miki
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 11Amma kiyi hakuri idan bakijii dadi ba ba wai ina nufin wani abu bane m so srry my baby he started pacifying me and I got carried away nd I believed him oh shege "so"
[10/30, 9:13 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 12That's how we got married we started our journey with love nd caring Allah knows I loved him unconditional
[10/30, 10:23 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 13The biggest mistake I started making was checking his phone even though there is childishness in me I was just 17 I used to borrow his phone and browse sometimes
[10/31, 8:23 AM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 14My games, apps, nd pictures are all in hi phone, hw came back one night I took his phone as usual, u was checking out my games when the phone rang and I picked the call nd I heard a lady's voice I was shocked
[10/31, 8:24 AM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 15Nace wake magana? She was saying ke wacece? Ina mai wayar yake ne? I calmly said baya kusa she sai to idan ya dawo ki gaya masa na kira..... kuzo kuga yanda face dina yayi ranar I was so disappointed
[10/31, 5:02 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 16When he came in I looked at him nd said an kira ka baka kusa yace waya kira kawai na mika masa phone din na tashi na fita kawo masa abinci
[10/31, 5:03 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 17Na shigo na ajiye masa abincin nayi serving shine yake ce mun ai yar wurin aikin su ce ta kira nace to Allah ya sauwaka aka bar zancen
[10/31, 5:08 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 18The next day I was checking out my pictures in his phone I entered the camera roll I saw what shocked me more....
[10/31, 5:10 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 19.......It was his pictures and a lady was sitting on his laps a christian lady I was really really shocked
[10/31, 8:38 PM] Âbbá~Gãñä: 20I used to call him "Sahib" since before our marriage I didn't used to call his name in his presence "wai ni maman soyayya"


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